Husn - e -Karigari - e - Awadh

Rs. 150.00
Availability: 52 In Stock

Husn e karigari e Awadh is a celebration of art, craft and skills, kaarigari, to us has been a rather wide category of research that encompasses skills not just of master craftspeople but of practitioners of any form of craft-from a grandmother who makes exquisite tukdi or Abdullah Sahab who has been practising kaamdaani embroidery for four decades now. The important thing for us has been to recognize skills of all kinds and to understand what goes into its learning, practice, innovation and finally its mastery.

SKU: HKA-14908
Sanatkada Publication

Husn e karigari e Awadh is a celebration of art, craft and skills, kaarigari, to us has been a rather wide category of research that encompasses skills not just of master craftspeople but of practitioners of any form of craft-from a grandmother who makes exquisite tukdi or Abdullah Sahab who has been practising kaamdaani embroidery for four decades now. The important thing for us has been to recognize skills of all kinds and to understand what goes into its learning, practice, innovation and finally its mastery.