Made in collaboration with madhubani artisans from Bihar. Profits shared with the artist. Madhubani or Mithila painting is a folk painting of Bihar , in northern India. It is mostly practiced by women in the villages who have passed this art to their daughters through multiple generations. They paint pictures of nature and mythology to depict different events like birth, marriage, and cycles of life. Package Inclusions - Template for making paper diya- 8 Diyas , Petal cut- outs- 8 pairs , Natural colours, Jute string-1 , Instruction leaflet. An interactive DIY kit for ages : 6 years +.Potli is a member of FAIR TRADE FORUM-India. This Kit encourages non-digital and tactile play . We stimulate creative thinking and imaginative play while sharing the rich cultural heritage of India.We follow all FAIR TRADE Practices laid down by the Forum.